Belfast Locksmith Training – 29/09/2014
I just completed the three day locksmith course in Belfast on Thursday past. The instructor was Mark who I found to be an exceptional teacher. His knowledge was excellent, his pace of instruction was perfect, his personal presentation portrayed your company in a very positive manner and never once did I hear him use any sort of language which could be construed in any way inappropriate by any one.
Having come from a background where I opened and closed locks for almost 25 years it was very interesting for me to discover exactly how they work and the methods of entry when the normal means are no longer available. When I was able to open a lock using the techniques I had just learned I found this to be very satisfying indeed.
The literature provide is very clear and precise and I have no doubt will prove extremely beneficial in the days, weeks and months to come.
At some stage in the future it would be my intention to take advantage of your advanced training in order to further my knowledge and abilities in working with various types of locks.
Thank you for equipping me with new skills which will help me as I plan a new career for the future.
Stephen Wilson